Monday, May 6, 2013

Jeff Stickle - RAL Potter

Jeff uses commercial glazes for the most part to create visually beautiful surfaces and often uses sprigs for texture.

Cobalt Blue Bowl with Celtic Knots

Small Green Slide Vase with Nautilus Shells

Cobalt - Shino Bottle Vase

 Check with Jeff for his glaze resources.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Saturday Open Studio?

 As aresult in the increased use of the Open Studio by RAL potters, at the last Pottery Studio monitors meeting, extending the Open Studio hours was discussed. We are attempting to find out how much interest  there is in this extension to Saturday hours on the part of the RAL potters. The two questions are:

   1. Are you in favor of this proposal?
   2. If so, how often do you think you would participate on Saturdays?

Please let us know your response by contacting one of the monitors with your input.

Brown Bag Session - Tues. 5/7/13

The featured DVD for this week's Brown Bag will be the final hour of Frank Giorgini's tile making  DVD in which he will demonstrate construction and installation.

Tools and Tips - Bill's new trimming tool

 An old and good friend of the RAL Pottery Studio, Bill van Gilder, has a new tool for sale. I've been using it for a month, and it's a good one.

As you can see, it comes with several interchangeable trimming heads, all of which are useful for certain trimming tasks. My favorites so far at the two you see on the tool.

 To see the tool in use,  check Bill's youtube demo for trimming plates at:

 The tool is available as a set or as a handle with the various head options at Bill's website: