Monday, January 14, 2013

Brown Bag Session for Tues., 1/15 at 12:00 pm.
The featured DVD for Tues. will be a continuation of the Jake Allee's, "Assembly Required".

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tips and tricks
            OK, this is the best pot you’ve ever thrown, now for glazing. First wax the bottom. Darn! Did it again, loaded up the brush with too much wax and dripped down the side. You’ve tried to get wax off before…sanding, alcohol, everything, but nothing worked. But wait, there is a way. Mary Ann Fiske passed this neat little trick on in Open Studio. “I placed the item on thick pile of newspaper on a cookie tray. Remove several pieces of newspaper with the wax on it and turn the item the reverse way if you haven't gotten all the wax from around the edges. It only takes a few minutes for the wax to run off.”  She also related that she turned the oven up to 200 degrees. Warning! Do not be tempted to turn your oven up higher (paraffin flash fires at 390 degrees). Mary Ann reports that it works perfectly at this temperature. Thanks for the tip, Mary Ann.