Saturday, October 10, 2009

Glaze Tests 10.10.09

Glaze tests 10.10.09

This Jade is the same as below. However, it interacted with the Nutmeg in a predictable way

This isn't a good example but this combination can produce great colors.

Another example of BTBT over Jade. Again, the jade application was too light.

This combination works well. The Licorice was very eve

Randy's Red is a nice glaze which produces interesting variegated colors.

This combination is not very interesting, but shows what happens when Nutmeg is applied too thick. The result is just a dark brown.

A very nice contrast. The Nutmeg and Byrne were applied in two separate dips. You can see the intereaction between the two in the narrow band where they overlapped.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Glazes renewed in the studio

Kate, Carmela and Wes made new glazes in the studio in the last week.  Kate sieved them on Tues., Oct. 6, so they are available for use. They have not been tested yet so use at your peril. Tests will be forthcoming and pictures of glaze tests will be posted here on the blog when we next fire them.  The glazes available in the studio  presently are Gloria's, Milky Blue, New Blue, Clear (see Carmela's note on the bucket lid), Byrne, Ketchup, Randy's Red, Licorice, BTBT, Nutmeg and Jade. We are looking for a substitute for Goldenrod as it is prohibitively expensive. The Monk's Bronze Green is also not reliable as a standalone glaze, but can be used in some combinations. We will be looking for a substitute for it as it has become a problem glaze in recent batches.