Saturday, March 20, 2010

Terry Whye's Squirt and Spin Workshops

Terry will be back to conduct her usual, high energy, "contentful" workshops on April 17 and 24th from 9-12 for adults and 2-5 for kids 8+. See the RAL website for details ( at the bottom). Looks like a really good workshop.
Registration online, at the RAL office or on the phone, 302-227-8488.

Glaze Update

All of our glazes have been updated as of Fri. 3.19.10. Tests have been done for several of them (vertical tiles on the right side of the test shelf and pictured below) and more tests will follow this week. Some pictures of the current glazes and combinations can be found below. Please also note that 3 of the glazes with running tendencies are now in the orange buckets in the studio. Please use these with caution and proper procedure (see previous post for advice on working with these). Kate has also posted some advice on glazing for firing in the kiln room. Please take a couple of minutes to read these messages.

With all of our glazes, you need to make sure that all the ingredients are thoroughly remixed. This includes scraping the sides for the dried material to be returned to the glaze (use CD's on wall above drill outlet) and making sure you scrape the bottom of the bucket and the corners the drill mixer can't reach (use a stick to retrieve material in that area and to make sure all material has been scraped of the bottom of the bucket).

When double dipping, let your first glaze completely dry before dipping into the second glaze.

Here are some recently glazed pieces:

Brenda - Nutmeg on the insde, Gloria's outside with New Blue at the top

Brenda - Same combination as above

Faye Kempton Sculpture- isn't it elegant!

Close up - Terra Cotta Warrior!

Jane - Jade with BTBT sponged

Pam - Nutmeg and Milky Blue

All of the following are on Standard 112. New results will be on Standard 153 and 182

Milky Blue



BTBT (Blue Thick, Brown Thin) I know it's green now...chemical imbalance. Will work on it.