Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Show opportunity in Georgetown, DE

Georgetown Arts and Flowers invites artists, photographers and crafters to apply for their October Fine Arts and Crafts Show.
Date: Saturnday, Oct. 26, 2013. Time 10a.m. to 4 p.m.
Locaton: Georgetown Fire Hall
Entry fees: 6'x9' - $35 10'x10' - $45
Contact for details:

Show opportunity from the Dover Art League

Call for Artists!
Forwarded from Florence Wiley 

Cecil County Art and Music Festival at Dove Valley Winery

Dove Valley Winery is seeking artists for this event on August 3rd and 4th.  Registration covering both days of this event is only $25.00. The event includes wine tasting, fine quality artisans, musicians, good food, activities, and vineyard tours.  For more information call Janelle at Dove Valley Winery (410) 658-8388 or view their website at

Monday, July 22, 2013

Brpwm Bag - Tues., 7/23/13

The featured DVD for the Brown Bag session tomorrow will be "Put a Handle on It", with Tony Clennell. Tony will demonstrate making and applying a variety of handles for pitchers, casseroles, and other pieces. Join us!

Brent Wheel for Sale

For Sale, Used Brent Electric Potters Wheel, $600.

Washington, DC

Contact: Larz Kremer ( pronounced like the word, creamer )

202/ 726-4189

This wheel was purchased used. It has had its wheel head, wheel head shaft, motor, pedal and control panel have all been replaced. The wheel head is 14" and the motor is a CXC (1 hp), reversible. The only things original to the wheel, which was purchased used are the deck and legs. Mostly the wheel has lived at the end of a work table and its deck has held glaze buckets while we've glazed pots.

If you have serious interest, contact Lars and he will bring it over for you to see and try.